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City News Blog

Lockport Easter Egg Hunt on April 16th

Lockport Peacemakers will hold the annual City of Lockport Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 16th at Outwater Park. The event for area children will be held rain or shine. Lockport Fire Department’s siren will kick off the hunt at 11am. The Easter bunny will be...

Emergency Sewer Repair Work on March 22, 2022.

The City of Lockport will be doing emergency sewer repair work on Davison Road between Park Lane Circle and East High Street on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. The road will be closed to through traffic between Park Lane Circle and East High Street beginning at 7:30am. The...

Code Blue Issued for February 13-15, 17-20.

Please be informed that extreme cold is forecasted for the overnight temperatures Sunday February 13, 2022; Monday February 14; and Tuesday February 15, 2022. Wednesday February 16, 2022, the temperatures are expected to remain in the forties overnight, therefore a...

Niagara County Business Survey

The Niagara County Center for Economic Development has released its first-ever Niagara County Business Survey. The data collected will help provide a better understanding of the local economy, connect businesses to available resources, and design new business...

Press Release February 1, 2022

Lockport Mayor Michelle M. Roman and North Tonawanda Mayor Austin Tylec will be participating in a virtual meeting this Thursday, focusing on the regional impact Governor Kathy Hochul's budget will have on local communities. Roman and Tylec will be at LCTV studios on...

