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The City of Lockport has a strong-mayoral form of government. Most major American cities use the strong-mayoral form of government. This means the mayor of the City of Lockport has clear administrative authority over municipal government (day-to-day operations). Additionally, under this system, the mayor prepares and administers the city budget, directs departments and department heads, reviews and appoints personnel, and sets city policy in many regards.

The mayor also presides over the city’s Board of Estimate & Apportionment, which carries out the mayor’s budget. In the City of Lockport, the mayor’s proposed budget must be approved by the Common Council.

In the City of Lockport, the Common Council is the main elected body. There are six elected members of the Common Council, five elected from each ward of the city and an alderman-at-large. The council considers legislation, must approve the city budget and makes local laws and rules.

Regular meetings of the Common Council are held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Common Council chambers at City Hall. Work sessions are held weekly at 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays.

View the 2020 City of Lockport Organizational Chart here.

Mayor John Lombardi III

City of Lockport Office of the Mayor
Lockport Municipal Building
One Locks Plaza
Lockport, New York 14094
City Hall Main Line: 716.439.6676
Phone: 716.439.6665
Email Mayor John Lombardi III

Government Officers

John Lombardi III

Common Council President
Kathryn Fogle

1st Ward
John Craig, PhD

2nd Ward
Anita Mullane

3rd Ward
Mark S. Devine

4th Ward
Kathryn ‘Kitty’ Fogle

5th Ward
Margaret Lupo

Alderman at Large
Kevin Kirchberger

Corporation Counsel

David Blackley

1st Deputy Corp. Counsel
Anthony Serianni

2nd Deputy Corp. Counsel

Kathleen Kugler

Common Council Committees

Alderman Craig, Chairman


Alderman Fogle, Chairman

Water & Sewer

Alderman Devine, Chairman


Alderman Fogle, Chairman

Police Board (Council representative)
Alderman Kirchberger

Fire Board (Council representative)
Alderman Craig
