City News Blog
U.S. Census Bureau 2021 Data Summit Series
The U.S. Census Bureau is currently providing an overview of their data products—and how they can be used to meet challenges facing communities—with its 2021 Data Summit Series. Topics include Redistricting and Voting Rights Act Use Cases, differential privacy, the...
Milling to begin on May 19 for Caledonia Street, Crosby Avenue, Green Street, Outwater Drive, and Washington Street
The City of Lockport will begin milling the following streets this week: Caledonia Street, Crosby Avenue, Green Street, Outwater Drive, and Washington Street. Crews will be milling Wednesday, May 19th through Friday, May 21st. Residents are asked not to park on the...
Department of Community Development Accepting Applications for the First-time Homeownership Program
The City of Lockport Department of Community Development is accepting applications to the First-time Homeownership Program for a recently awarded New York State Homes and Community Renewal HOME Program grant. This program will help first-time homeowners with closing...
New York State Celebrates Arbor Day and Awards Additional $1.18 Million Urban and Community Forestry Grants that includes the City of Lockport
The City of Lockport has been awarded a $50,000 New York State grant for tree maintenance that supports community tree projects to protect natural resources, air and water quality. In celebration of Arbor Day, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul and NYS Department of Environmental...
Electronics Recycling Program Moving to Outwater Drive in June
Electronic waste can still be dropped off at Harrison Place on Walnut Street on both Saturday, May 1 and Saturday, May 15, from 10 am until 12 noon each day. Beginning in June, e-waste events will be held in the city parking lot on Outwater Drive at Outwater Park,...
COVID-19 Mortgage Wellness Check – Free Help is Available for NYS Homeowners – Don’t Delay
Now is the time to get your mortgage checked at no cost to see what options are available. A record number of homeowners in New York State have fallen behind on their payments during the COVID-19 crisis. Many homeowners are in temporary forbearance agreements with...
Interactive Site Tour Scheduled for Lockport Streetscape Green Infrastructure Improvements Project
The public is being invited to provide input on a green infrastructure project that will create a more walkable, connected, and user-friendly downtown Lockport The project, Phase I of a streetscape green infrastructure improvements project for portions of Washburn,...
City of Lockport’s Fair Housing Plan
Notice is hereby given that the City of Lockport is committed to prohibiting discrimination upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status and national origin in the sale, lease or rental, advertising and financing of housing. Persons who feel...
Parks Survey
Lockport has some great parks - but we need your input to see what, if anything, needs to be improved. Please take this brief survey so we can continue to provide great outdoor spaces and activities for everyone.
2021 Yard Waste Schedule
Below are the details and schedule for yard waste pickup for 2021. Place in open containers or paper compostable bags Containers are not to be over 50 lbs., 35 lbs. preferred. If containers are solid bottom, drain any rainwater prior to placing to street No Grass...