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City of Lockport Celebrates Arbor Day 2023

April 24, 2023  

Lockport, NY: City officials have announced that Arbor Day, Friday, April 28, 2023, will again be  celebrated in Lockport as part of the community’s ongoing commitment to be a Tree City USA  community. “Arbor Day is a day that we commemorate our future through the planting of trees. Trees  provide benefits for our community that are immeasurable and add to the quality of life,” said Mayor  Michelle Roman  

This year, the City of Lockport is planting over 100 trees throughout the community as part of a Tree  Planting in Disadvantaged Communities grant awarded from the New York State Department of  Environmental Conservation to address the amount of ash trees lost due to ash borer in the South Street  neighborhood. Additionally, Lockport Main Street launched a fundraising campaign that raised over  $1,000 to expand the number of trees the organization has already planted in downtown Lockport.  

Lockport Main Street’s Program Director, Grace Platt, stated “Lockport Main Street focuses on improving  our community, especially to benefit businesses, residents, and visitors. We are thrilled to participate in  Arbor Day this year by partnering with the City of Lockport to plant more trees downtown, which will  contribute to our vibrant and walkable community. We are thankful to the Lockport Lions Club, Lockport  Rotary Club, and the dozens of residents that donated to make these downtown plantings possible.”  

Since 2017, the city has celebrated Arbor Day with tree plantings at various locations throughout the city,  including Ida Fritz Park, Veterans Memorial Park, Rogers Park, City Hall, and several others. The City also  encourages local businesses, organizations, and individuals to participate in Arbor Day by planting a tree,  and below are some that are participating again this year:  

Lockport City School District:
Superintendent Dr. Calvin said: “The Lockport City School District is once again excited about  participating in and contributing to the City of Lockport’s Arbor Day activities. This celebration  affords our students and staff an opportunity to learn about what it means to give back to our  community while also being involved in adding to its beauty. We look forward to partnering with  the community to expand awareness and knowledge of tree planting and care.”  

The Kenan Center:
“The Kenan Center is proud to partner with the City of Lockport each Arbor Day to ensure our  community has increased access to nature, right in the heart of Lockport.” said Parrish Gibbons  Herzog, Public Relations & Development Manager at the Kenan Center. 

Lockport Lions Club:
“Lockport Lions Club appreciates the opportunity and are pleased to support the City of  Lockport’s Arbor Day planting initiative with our donation for the placement of four trees on the  Market Street site adjacent to our Lions monument,” said Mike O’Malley, Lockport Lions Club  President, “We would like to thank the City and Lockport Main Street for their planning and  efforts to beautify our fine city and keep it attractive for residents and visitors.”  

City of Lockport:
Mayor Michelle Roman stated, “Arbor Day is an annual re-commitment to improving the quality  of life for our residents, businesses, and visitors by planting trees in various locations across the  city. We appreciate the community partners whose efforts make this successful event so  meaningful and impactful.”  

“The entire team at GM Lockport Operations is proud to partner with UAW Local 686 and join  the City of Lockport in celebrating our community being designated as a 2023 Tree City USA. At  GM, we envision a world with zero crashes, zero emissions and zero congestion. The more we  do within the communities where we operate to foster smart, safe and sustainable practices like  ensuring continued care for our facility ecosystems, the higher our chances of seeing that world  become a reality,” said Ken Johnson, GM Lockport Operations Plant Director. 

Schedule of plantings in the City of Lockport:  

  • 8:25am- Lockport High School Front Entrance- Teacher Megan Hauser- 250 Lincoln Ave
  • 9:30am- Kenan Center Montessori School- 433 Locust St.
  • 10:30am- Outwater Park with Sue Watson of the tree committee and Lockport CSD and students  from Aaron Mossell Middle School- Outwater Dr. 
  • 11:30am- GM Plant- 200 Upper Mountain Rd.