Police Department
Police Department
Steven Abbott
Police Chief
Lockport Municipal Building
One Locks Plaza
Lockport, New York 14094
Nonemergency Line
716.433.7700 (manned 24/7)
Records Division
Confidential Tip Line
The Lockport Police Department is based out of the Municipal Building. The police force responds to emergencies, enforces laws and regulates street and lot parking within the city limits. You can contact the police department to report a crime or request criminal offender notifications. For emergency situations, please dial 911.
Recent News
Paving Operations Notice (Niagara St. (Prospect St. – Rail Road Tracks)
DEC Invites Public Comment About Draft Plan to Investigate Contamination at Brownfield Site on Walnut St., Lockport
This link opens a fact sheet that invites public comment about a draft work plan to investigate contamination at the Harrison Place Off-site #C932177A (Lockport, Niagara County) within New York's Brownfield Cleanup Program:...
Milling Notice: Milling: Park Ave., Niagara St., Stevens St., Bridlewood Dr., Windsor St., Willow St.
Milling: Park Ave., Niagara St., Stevens St., Bridlewood Dr., Windsor St., Willow St. Dates: Mon. 8/21, Tues. 8/22, (Wed. 8/23 possibly)
Police Department
Lockport Municipal Building
One Locks Plaza
Lockport, New York 14094
Police Chief
Chief Steven Abbott
Nonemergency Line
716.433.7700 (manned 24/7)