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Water Treatment & Distribution

Water Treatment & Distribution

Lockport Municipal Building
One Locks Plaza
Lockport, New York 14094



Water Quality Reports


2023 Annual Water Quality Report

The Water Department manages the City of Lockport’s potable water supply and distribution. The city’s primary source of water is the east branch of the Niagara River, with water pumped 13 miles through a 30-inch forced main line to the Lockport Water Treatment Plant on Summit Street.

The department also works with the mayor and Common Council to establish policies regarding the use of public water sources and fire hydrants, as well as the maintenance of these public systems.

For emergency issues outside of normal office hours, call the Lockport Police Department at 716.433.7700.

Recent News

Emergency Road Closure Update

We have an emergency road closure on Nixon Place between Lincoln Ave and Hoover Pkwy due to a major water leak.  All the leaking valves are secured with traffic barrels and lighted barricades.  LPD, LFD, and Niagara County Dispatch have been notified.  Emergency...

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Modern Disposal Update for Friday 12/23

Due to the storm, Modern Disposal will not be able to pick up trash on Friday, December 23, 2023.  Modern Disposal wants to ensure that everyone is safe.  They will be doing a double pick up next week.  They wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and appreciate the...

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Water Treatment & Distribution

Dennis McNamara
Chief Operator of the Filtration Plan

Lockport Municipal Building
One Locks Plaza
Lockport, New York 14094



Water Quality Reports