COVID-19 Information for Businesses

Coronavirus Resources for Lockport Businesses
As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis continues to affect residents here in Lockport and around the state, the GLDC has put together this page to provide information, resources and updates to help our local businesses during this difficult and tumultuous time.
Continue to check back on this page as new updates will be added as information is shared by local, regional, state and federal agencies.
Helpful Resources
Empire State Development
As New York State continually monitors and responds to developments related to COVID-19, ESD is providing up-to-date guidance for the agency’s partners and other stakeholders impacted by the virus. This is a rapidly changing situation and ESD will be updating the resources below to reflect the latest information available.
U.S Small Business Administration
The U.S. SBA offers more information for businesses on availability and processes for applying for disaster loans to help maintain businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Buffalo Niagara Partnership
Helpful links and resources provided for Buffalo-Niagara businesses to stay informed of, and prepare for, the spread of COVID-19 .