Tips for the Solar Eclipse Click Here

Tips for the Solar Eclipse

The eclipse will be on April 8, 2024.

  • Have prescriptions refilled the week prior to the event.
  • Have spare home oxygen cylinders filled the week prior.
  • Prepare your home with proper food/water needs a few days or the week before the event.
  • Fill up vehicles (gas/diesel) and/or home (fuel oil/propane) with any fuel needs several days or the week before the event. Local fuel deliveries may be limited/delayed/temporarily suspended the weekend leading up to and the day of the event.
  • If you have the ability to work from home or take the day off, consider staying home to limit your travel that day.


Mayor Lombardi would like to announce that City Hall, 1 Locks Plaza, Lockport, NY will be available as a warming station beginning today, January 22nd from 4:00pm – 8:00pm until further notice