City News Blog
Road Closure Update
*** UPDATE *** The westbound traffic lane on East Avenue, from Washburn Street to Elm Street, will be closed through Thursday, August 5th. The contractor plans to blacktop the area on Wednesday and Thursday. Eastbound traffic will remain, yet parking on the south side...
Affected by the 7/20/21 Flash Flood? Complete a damage report form on our new app.
Niagara County Emergency Services *** Attention all residents and businesses affected by the 7/20/21 flash flooding event, we are asking that you complete a damage report form on our new app. You can download the app (prepare niagara) on your smartphone with the link...

Lockport Remediation Project Update: 50 Elmwood Avenue
This Public Notice was prepared to provide information on the completed remedial investigation and proposed remedial cleanup alternative for 50 Elmwood Avenue in the City of Lockport, Niagara County, New York (Site, see map insert). A draft ABCA report was prepared...

City of Lockport Schedules “Celebrate Green South Street” Event
The City of Lockport has scheduled a public event as part of its Downtown Revitalization Initiative green infrastructure project on South Street. Called “Celebrate Green South Street” the event will allow the public to help re-imagine South Street between Elm Street...
USACE Releases Feasibility Study and Proposed Plan for Former Guterl Specialty Steel Site, Virtual Public Meeting to be Conducted
BUFFALO, NY--The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, completed the Proposed Plan for the Former Guterl Specialty Steel Corporation Site and the Feasibility Study Report, Former Guterl Specialty Steel Corporation. These documents and a fact sheet are...
NYS Canal Corp. Announces Public Comment Period
The New York State Canal Corporation has scheduled two virtual public comment sessions regarding the Draft Generic Environmental Impact Study (DGEIS) document for the proposed Barge Canal Earthen Embankment Integrity Program (EEIP). Verbal comments will be accepted...

City of Lockport Hosting Online Public Workshop to Kick Off Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Code Updates
The City of Lockport invites all residents and stakeholders to kick off the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code updates by participating in an online public workshop on Thursday, July 1 at 6:00 PM. The Planning & Zoning Public Workshop will be held remotely...
New York State COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program
The successful recovery of small businesses is key to New York State's future. The New York State COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program has been created to provide flexible grant assistance to currently viable small businesses, micro-businesses, and...

Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program that provides a temporary $50 subsidy on monthly broadband (internet service) bills for qualifying low-income households. This program is available until funds are exhausted....

Energy Efficiency & Low-Cost Power Programs Free Business Workshop
Are you interested in expanding your business or making your facility more energy efficient? Do you have concerns about the long-term utility costs associated with these upgrades? If so, don’t miss out on the upcoming Energy Efficiency and Low-Cost Power Programs Free...