Assessment Department
Lockport Municipal Building
One Locks Plaza
Lockport, New York 14094
Additional Information
The Assessment Department, under the supervision of the Assessor, is tasked with discovery and valuation for all properties – residential, commercial and industrial – within the City of Lockport as required by Real Property Law. The Assessment Department also administers all Property Tax Exemptions. We do NOT determine the amount of taxes. How Property Tax Works & Assessment vs. Taxes
Assessment guidelines are set by the New York State Office of Real Property Services, state rules and regulations and the courts and are managed locally by the Assessor. Anyone may examine the Assessment Roll and property records at any time on-line or at the Assessment Department during business hours (M-F 8:30am-4:30pm).
The City of Lockport Assessment Calendar is:
March 1 -Taxable Status Day
May 1 -Tentative Assessment Roll
4th Tuesday in May -Grievance Day
July 1 -Final Assessment Roll
Exemption applications and renewals are due by March 1. Please see the Exemption
Information link for requirements. Forms can be found at the Assessment Department or
It is up to the individual property owner to monitor their own assessment. If taxpayers have questions, they may contact the Assessor to explain how the assessments are determined. Informal assessment reviews are done after taxable status day through mid-April. You will need to complete the informal review application and submit it to the Assessment Department. You may make an appointment with the Assessor if you wish to speak with her.
If you are unsatisfied with the results of your informal assessment review, you may file a formal grievance (to be reviewed by the Board of Assessment Review) after May 1 (Tentative Assessment Roll) and no later than the 4th Tuesday in May (Grievance Day). RP-524-Complaint on Real Property Assessment
For more information on assessment reviews, please visit How to File for a Review of Your Assessment. You can find information necessary to contest your assessment on our PROSGAR Online Assessment Information link.
The City of Lockport Assessment Department is responsible for:
- Locating taxable real property and collecting inventory data
- Notifying property owners where and when data is available
- Determining ownership of property and maintaining ownership records
- Valuing real property
- Processing property tax exemptions
- Preparing and filing assessment rolls (tentative and final)
- Preparing and submitting annual reports to the NYS Office of Real Property Services.
- For more information, please see The Job of the Assessor
Assessment Equity Improvement Project
The City of Lockport began a City-wide revaluation project in 2020 and the results of the project appeared on the 2022 Assessment Roll. It was the first time a revaluation had been done since the 2011 Assessment Roll. The City has elected to continue annual revaluation to ensure that properties are assessed uniformly and owners are paying their fair share of the tax burden.
Please be aware that due to the on-going annual reassessments, the Assessment Department staff will be visiting your neighborhood occasionally to update pictures, perform drive-by inspections and data collection from the right-of-way in order to maintain equity. This ensures that a change in condition or additions/demolitions are recorded on the next assessment roll. This practice helps maintain consistency and equity on the assessment roll.
If you have any questions, please contact the Assessment Department at 716-439-6614.
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Susan E. Israel
Lockport Municipal Building
One Locks Plaza
Lockport, New York 14094