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Fire Department

Fire Department

Luca C.P. Quagliano
Chief of Department

City of Lockport Fire Department
1 Locks Plaza, Lockport NY 14094

O: 716-439-6611 C: 716-998-0995

Office Hours

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-F

Office of Training and Safety

Timothy Loucks

Duty Officers Desk


Fire Code Enforcement


The members of the Lockport Fire Department serve as the primary first responders for fire protection and paramedic service within city limits. Lockport’s firefighters strive to protect life and property by providing a timely response in emergency situations. These may include structure fires, dangerous weather conditions, medical traumas or hazardous materials. The Lockport Fire Department also aims to educate its citizens on fire and emergency situation prevention. 

Monthly Report/Presentations

Recent News

Fire Department

Luca C.P. Quagliano
Chief of Department

City of Lockport Fire Department
1 Locks Plaza, Lockport NY 14094

O: 716-439-6611 C: 716-998-0995


Office Hours

8:30 am. to 4:30 pm. M-F

Office of Training and Safety

Timothy Loucks

Duty Officers Desk


Fire Code Enforcement & Ambulance Billing
