Refuse and Recycling
The City of Lockport offers a convenient recycling and refuse program that is fair and equitable for all city property owners. With variable container sizes to choose from, residents only pay for what they need and use. If you have questions or concerns about this program that are not answered on this site, please call the city clerk’s office at 716.439.6676 or email
If you would like to contact Modern about a missed collection, please call customer service at 716.754.8226 or 800.662.0012.

2025 Yard Waste – Details and Schedule
Below are the details and schedule for yard waste pickup.
- Place in open containers or paper compostable bags. No plastic bags will be accepted.
- Containers are not to be over 50 lbs., 35 lbs. preferred.
- If containers are solid bottom, drain any rainwater prior to placing to street
- Acceptable items include prunings, brush/hedge trimmings, thatch from raking, old flower/vegetable plants, leaves and mulch
- Unacceptable items include grass, pet waste, plastic, tree stumps, railroad ties, landscape timber, and construction stones
- Large branches should be kept separate so they can be picked up by the chipper
- Don’t place any debris in the street, there is no spring leaf pickup!
- Materials must be placed at the street line or curb of a public street by 7:00am on normal trash collection day to ensure pickup on your scheduled trash collection day
For more information, please email
Yard waste weeks will be the weeks of:
April 21-25
May 19-23
June 16-20
July 21-25
August 18-22
September 22-26
October 20-24
Acceptable Items
• Prunings
• Brush/hedge trimmings
• Thatch from raking
• Old flower/vegetable plants
• Leaves and mulch
Unacceptable Items
• Grass
• Pet waste
• Plastics
• Tree stumps
• Railroad ties
• Landscape timber
• Construction stones
Electronics Recycling Program – Now at Outwater Drive
E-waste drop-off is held in the city parking lot on Outwater Drive at Outwater Park.
Events will continue to be held on the first and third Saturday of the month, from 9 am- 12 noon. Old computers, laptops, TVs, monitors, printers, gaming consoles, DVR/DVD/VCR players, cable and satellite boxes, fax machines, and more can be dropped off for recycling. The program is free and is for city residents only. For any questions please contact the City Clerk’s office at 716-439-6676.
PLEASE NOTE: New York State has prohibited the collection of electronics by any solid waste hauler. Residents seeking to dispose of electronics (TVs, computers, gaming consoles, DVD or VCR players) can not place them at the curb.
Participation Is Easy
City users will select from three service tiers that all include unlimited curbside recycling.
During the first full week of each month, residents are permitted to place one large or “bulky” items at the curb for collection. Large items are those that are too large to fit within your cart, such as appliances (including refrigerators with Freon removed) sofas, chairs, desks or mattresses. Items should be placed curbside with normal pickups.
Additional capacity stickers are sold at the city clerk’s window for $10 per sticker.
Placing Your Cart at the Curb
When placing your cart out for collection, make sure the lid is closed to keep snow, rain and animals out. To wheel, use the convenient “tilt and go” design feature (between the wheels at the rear of the cart) and tilt the cart back slightly. Please place your cart out the evening prior or morning (before 7 a.m.) of collection with the hinges facing your house. There are also arrows on your carts to point toward the street.
At the streetline, place your cart 3 to 5 feet from the street in a place that is free of obstructions, such as utility poles, mailboxes and fire hydrants.
Single Stream Recycling
Lockport residents now have the opportunity to recycle household items curbside! In an effort to make recycling that much easier for the property owner, the city offers single-stream recycling.
Single-stream means that plastic, newspaper, cardboard, glass, etc. can all be placed together in a recycling tote – no sorting required!
Recycling Rewards
Recycling Rewards is a community-based incentive program that encourages curbside recycling by offering rewards from local, regional and national businesses.
Recycling Rewards is maintained by our partner, Modern, to benefit residents, local businesses, the environment and the community.
Electronics Recycling
New York State has prohibited the collection of electronics by any solid waste hauler. Residents seeking to dispose of electronics (TVs, computers, gaming consoles, DVD or VCR players) can not place them at the curb. Residents can once again drop off old TVs, computers, and other electronic waste on the first and third Saturday of the month at the city parking lot on Outwater Drive at Outwater Park between 9 a.m. and noon.
User Fees
The city has adopted a Pay as You Throw program that allows residents to select their desired level of service and pay for only what they are using.
Residents and businesses can choose the number and size of totes and pay a flat rate for garbage and recycling each year. Pricing and available sizes are listed at right.
Contact the city clerk’s office for more information on obtaining totes for your home or business.
$149.05 per year for a 35-gallon refuse cart
$178.20 per year for a 64-gallon refuse cart
$204.05 per year for a single 96-gallon refuse cart
$183.70 per year for two 35-gallon refuse carts (double family only)
$228.80 per year for two 64-gallon refuse carts (double family only)
$269.50 per year for two 96-gallon refuse carts
$324.50 per year for three 96-gallon refuse carts
$379.50 per year for four 96-gallon refuse carts
Bulk Waste
Residents may place one bulk item at the curb for pickup each month. Bulk week starts on Monday of the first full week monthly.
Bulk solid waste is any solid waste too large or heavy to place inside a city-issued cart. This may include:
• Discarded appliances
• Small household furniture
• Bedding and mattresses
• Carpeting (max three rolls, each no larger than 4 feet long and 18 inches wide).
Additional Items
We know that residents may need additional pickup capacity throughout the year. To accomodate these needs, additional capacity stickers are available at the City Clerk’s office. You must be a curbside recycling/refuse program subscriber with an account in good standing to purchase Extra Capacity Tags.
Extra Capacity Tags are for bagged items (30 lbs. or less) and cost $2. Extra Bulk Capacity Tags are also available for $10, and available only for residents for additional bulk item pickup during their regular bulk waste week. There is still a maximum limit of three total bulk items.
City businesses and multiresidential properties (four- and five-family parcels) are permitted to participate in the City of Lockport’s collection program.
Four- and five-family parcels must have a minimum of four 96-gallon carts.
Businesses may select from a variety of options to customize capacity and collection to meet their demand. Business customers can choose from between one and four 96-gallon trash and refuse carts, and can schedule weekly or daily (weekdays only) pickup options to suit their level of need.