City News Blog

Code Blue in effect Nov. 21 and Nov. 22
Due to the extreme cold temperatures forecasted for the region on Wednesday, Nov. 21 and Thursday, Nov. 22, the City of Lockport Code Blue Warming Shelter will be open at the Salvation Army for residents in need. The warming shelter will be open both days from 8 p.m....

Unveiling of New Historic Marker Honoring Mossell
The Lift Up Lockport Committee is honored and excited to announce a new addition to the historic markers of the City of Lockport. The entire community is invited to the unveiling of the new Pomeroy sign, recognizing the contributions of Aaron Mossell and his son,...

Homebuyer Workshop Scheduled for Oct. 16
Buying a home may be the biggest and most complex financial decision you ever make. Having experts on your side to help you find the best loan for your situation can mean the difference between “no sale” and “happily ever after.” KeyBank is holding a Homebuyer...

We Love U Foundation Helps Clean Up Lockport
Mayor David R. Wohleben would like to thank community members from around Western New York who converged on Lockport to join the We Love U Foundation in cleaning up a local abandoned building. Community involvement like this helps to lift up the entire South Block...

Last Solarize Lockport Workshop Before Sign Up Deadline
Don’t miss your last chance to learn about Solarize Lockport and how solar can save your home or business money. This Thursday, Sept. 27 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. at City Hall, we are hosting the last Solarize Lockport solar workshop before the final sign up deadline on...

4th Ward Alderperson Appointed
Mayor David R. Wohleben has announced the appointment of Kelly VanDeMark, of 587 Pine St., Lockport, as acting alderman for the Fourth Ward. VanDeMark was born and raised in Lockport and received her education through the Lockport Public School System. She is a...

Request for Proposals Issued for Genesee Street Properties
The City of Lockport has announced it is soliciting proposals to purchase two recently acquired properties on Genesee Street, at 271 Genesee and 281 Genesee. "This is the next step in removing the blight of these properties from the neighborhood and our community,"...

City of Lockport Featured in Channel 7’s ‘AM Buffalo’
Lights, camera, action! Lockport was in the limelight this past Wednesday, Sept. 5 as Channel 7 was in town filming for "AM Buffalo." The broadcast features some great shots of the city and historic locks – as well as an interview with Mayor David Wohleben. Check out...

New STAR Requirements for 2019
From the City Assessor's Office: Important Notice for Property Owners Age 65 and Over New STAR Requirements for 2019 To receive the Enhanced STAR exemption, you must enroll in the Income Verification Program (IVP). If you are already enrolled, no action is needed. If...

The City of Lockport Takes Part in Solarize Program To Support Growth of Solar Investment In Niagara County
The City of Lockport, NY is taking part in Solarize – a state-supported program that makes saving with solar power easier and even more affordable for local residents and businesses. The Solarize Lockport program kicked off June 21 and has hosted several workshops...