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Lockport’s Open Financial Data Portal


Fund Balance Accumulation

Last Updated: 12/22/2023

This data contains macro-level historic budgetary surpluses / (deficits) as well as the annual resulting fund balance accumulation for each major fund.

Update Frequency: Quarterly


Balance Sheet

Last Updated:10/25/2024

The balance sheet is a pivotal piece of information for any organization. This data contains monthly balances for City assets and liabilities.

Update Frequency: Quarterly



Contingency Utilization

Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Each year, the Common Council can elect to utilize contingency accounts to fund unplanned projects and initiatives. This shows what resolutions formally use contingency each fiscal year.

Update Frequency: Monthly


Utility Billing Trends

Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Throughout the year, the City bills its citizens for water and sewer services. This data set shows long term trends occurring with each type of service based on billing information.

Update Frequency: Monthly


Metric Benchmarking

Last Updated:12/22/2023

Certain metrics may be indicative of overall or trending performance of a fund. This file contains some of the most useful metrics to monitor.

Update Frequency: Monthly



Cash Balances

Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Cash balances are required per fund balance policy to ensure that the City can maintain day-to-day operations without delay. This data set contains monthly cash balance levels per fund.

Update Frequency: Monthly


Budget Reporting

Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Each year, the annual operating budget establishes a projected modified accrual-based budget. This data contains the year’s recorded revenues and expenditures.

Update Frequency: Monthly


Combined Sales Tax

Last Updated: 10/25/2024

Sales tax is one of the most volatile revenue sources in the City. This data set contains our monthly revenue recognition compared to budgeted allocation for the month.

Update Frequency: Monthly


Accounts Payable

Last Updated: 10/25/2024

This data set contains City-made payments to vendors. Data is organized by budgetary accounts.

Update Frequency: Monthly



Payments by Vendor

Last Updated: 10/25/2024

This data set contains accounts payable data on the vendor level (i.e., how much has been paid to which vendor by the City as a whole).

Update Frequency: Monthly


Ambulance Reporting

Last Updated: 12/22/2023

This section contains ambulance billing reports directly from the City’s third-party biller. Please note that there are contractual adjustments subtracted from the gross which creates the net billable charges.


Cash Flow Statement

Last Updated:10/25/2024

The attached excel contains a detailed monthly cash flow statement for the City of Lockport. Figures are included for the General Fund, Refuse Fund, Water Fund, and Sewer Fund.


Collections Benchmarking

Last Updated: 10/25/2024

This set of data has metrics related to monthly cash collection for property taxes, tax certificates, and utility bills. It identifies long-term trends and benchmarks with prior year data.

If you have any questions about these reports and figures, please contact the City of Lockport Finance Director at